Regular tree grammar

In Computer Science, a regular tree grammar (RTG)[1] is a formal grammar that describes a set of directed trees.



A regular tree grammar G is defined by the tuple

G = (N, \Sigma, Z, P),


Derivation of Trees

The grammar G implicitly defines a set of trees: any tree that can be derived from Z using the rule set P is said to be described by G. This set of trees is known as the language of G. To express this more formally, we define the relation \Rightarrow_G on the set T_\Sigma (N) as follows:

For every t_1, t_2 \in T_\Sigma (N), t_1 \Rightarrow_G t_2, if there is a context S \in C and a production A \rightarrow t \in P such that:

The tree language generated by G is the language

L(G) = \{ t \in T_\Sigma | Z \Rightarrow_G^* t\}.

Where \Rightarrow_G^* denotes successive applications of \Rightarrow_G. Such languages are called Tree languages.

Relation to other formal languages

As shown by Rajeev Alur and Parthasarathy Madhusudan[2][3] the class of regular tree languages coincides with nested words and visibly pushdown languages.

See also


  1. ^ - Regular tree grammars as a formalism for scope underspecification
  2. ^ Alur, R.; Madhusudan, P. (2004). Visibly pushdown languages. pp. 202. doi:10.1145/1007352.1007390.  edit
  3. ^ Alur, R.; Madhusudan, P. (2009). "Adding nesting structure to words". Journal of the ACM 56 (3): 1–43. doi:10.1145/1516512.1516518.  edit

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